Wacky Races DVD

Dastardly & Muttley DVD

Jonny Quest bluray

Magilla Gorilla DVD

Hanna-Barbera Trivia

Hanna-Barbera Trivia | Flintstones Trivia | Flintstones Fun FAQ

  1. The Goober and the Ghost Chaser's kids wrote for what magazine?

  2. What was the secret identity of Hong Kong Phooey?

  3. Who was the switchboard operator at the police station who had a crush on Hong Kong Phooey?

  4. Who was the Grape Ape's fast talking, canine assistant?

  5. What was the name of the officer who Top Cat and his catly companions always tried to outsmart?

  6. Who was the investigating dog, Mumbly's, assistant?

  7. What was the name of Scooby's and the gang's van?

  8. What breed of dog was Scooby Doo?

  9. What is the name of the Funky Phantom's feline friend?

  10. What is the name of the first female Smurf?

  11. What is the name of Gargamel's cat?

  12. Who was the sidekick of Quick Draw McGraw?

  13. What is the name of the dog on the Quick Draw McGraw Show who would float in the air happily after getting a dog biscuit?

  14. Who was the female bear who had a crush on Yogi?

  15. Where was Yogi's ark on it's way to?

  16. What building served as headquarters for the Superfriends?

  17. In the earliest version of the show, who were the three "junior Superfriends"?

  18. What was the name of Elroy Jetson's school?

  19. What was Jonny Quest's father's name?
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