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Hanna-Barbera Shows: G-I

A-B | C-F | G-I | J-N | P-R | S | T-Z

  • Galaxy Goof-Ups, The: Included such characters as Yogi Bear, Huckleberry Hound, Scarebear, and Quack-Up under the command of Captain Snerdley. Premiered on NBC November 4, 1978.

  • Galaxy High

  • Galaxy Trio: The Galaxy Trio fly the spaceship Condor I through the galaxy, fighting for law and order. See also: Birdman and the Galaxy Trio

  • Galtar and the Golden Lance: See: "Funtastic World of Hanna Barbera".

  • Gary Coleman Show, The: The half-hour series was based on Coleman's made-for-TV movie "The Kid with the Broken Halo Broadcast: September 18th, 1982-September 10th, 1983 (NBC)

  • Godzilla and the Super 90: Combined the "Godzilla Power Hour" with "Jonny Quest". Premiered on NBC November 4, 1978.

  • Godzilla Show, The: Several reincarnations of this show later, it became this title. Godzilla had been previously paired the Harlem Globetrotters, Dynomutt, the Funky Phantom, and Hong Kong Phooey. Premiered on NBC September 8, 1979.

  • Goober and the Ghost Chasers: Tina, Ted, Gillie, and Goober investigate haunted house and mysteries. Premiered on ABC September 8, 1973. See also: "Fred Flintstone and Friends".

  • Grape Ape: See: "Tom and Jerry/Grape Ape Show, The".

  • Gravedale High:

  • Hanna-Barbera Happy Hour: A short-lived live action variety show from NBC during the spring/summer of 1978. Joseph Barbera was the executive producer.

  • Hanna-Barbera New Cartoon Series, The: Combined segments from "Wally Gator", "Lippy the Lion', and "Touche Turtle". Premiered September 1962.

  • Hanna-Barbera's World of Super Adventure: Combined several different cartoons like "The Fantastic Four", "Frankenstein Jr. and the Impossibles", "Space Ghost", "Herculoids", "Shazzan," and "Birdman and the Galaxy Trio". Premiered September 1980.

  • Harlem Globetrotters, The: The famous basketball team becomes a cartoon. Premiered on CBS September 12, 1970.

  • Help! It's the Hair Bear Bunch: Tales of Wonderland Zoo's three wild bears: Hair, Square, and Bubi. Premiered September 11, 1971.

  • Herculoids, The: Premiered September 9, 1967.

  • Hillybilly Bears, The: See: "Atom Ant/Secret Squirrel Show" and "Banana Spilts Adventure Hour".

  • Hokey Wolf: See: "Yogi and His Friends".

  • Hong Kong Phooey: Police Station janitor, Penrod Pooch, becomes Hong Kong Phooey by zipping through a filing cabinet and fights crime with his cat Spot. Premiered September 7, 1974.

  • Huckleberry Hound Show, The: The first animated cartoon to win an Emmy. Premiered October 2, 1958 but the characters have been in several different shows throughout the years. See also: "Yogi and His Friends".

  • I. M. Weasel: The voice of the Weasel is done by Michael Dorn of Star Trek: The Next Generation fame.

  • Impossibles, The: See: "Frankenstein Jr. and the Impossibles".

  • Inch High Private Eye: Fashioned after Maxwell Smart, Inch High fights crime for the Finkerton Detective Agency with his dog, Braveheart. Premiered September 8, 1973.

  • It's the Wolf: The stories of Lambsy, the dog that watches over him, Bristle Hound, and the wolf trying to get Lambsy, Mildew Wolf. Segments shown as part of the Cattanooga Cats. Premiered 1969.
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