Flintstones Trivia
Hanna-Barbera Trivia
Flintstones Trivia
Flintstones Fun FAQ
When Fred bought the hot piano for Wilma's birthday, who did the police mistake him for?
88 Fingers Louie
What song did Fred and Barney sing with the scouts at the Cave Scout Jamboree?
Old MacDonald Had a Farm
In the episode where Fred wins an appearance on the Larry Lava show, what was his sole line of dialogue supposed to be?
Please, pass the poi
What is the original population of Bedrock -- as shown in the opening credits from the first season?
In the episode where Goggles Pizano (a.k.a. Fred) was in the Indianapolisrock 500, what product did he and Barney advertise at the end of the race?
Flintrock Radials.
"This time we may have lost the race, but next year we'll use Flintrock Radials and set the pace."
In the episode where Fred sings with Hotlips Hannigan, what song does he sing and what nickname did Hotlips call him?
Fred sang "When the Saints Come Marching In"
Hotlips called Fred the "Golden Smog"
(a spoof of Mel Torme who is known as the Velvet Fog)
At which store did Barney buy Betty's 'Engagement' ring?
The Buddy Buddy Credit Jewelers
In which episode did Wilma wear shoes?
"The Swimming Pool" (P-1)
Which character is seen in
episode wearing shoes?
the waitress delivering the ribs to the car after the drive-in
What is the movie playing in the opening credits as Fred drives by the theater?
"Now Playing, The Monster"
How many nights is the movie playing for?
One night
Fred had a short lived rock and roll career after a record he made in a do it yourself booth fell into the hands of some record producers. What name did Fred go by? What song did he sing?
Hi-Fye and he sang "Listen to the Mockingbird"
Who sang the song 'I Love My Vilma'?
Ingmar, Ole and Sven Erocksen
Before finding a job with Fred's company, what rival outfit did Barney work for?
The Pebble Rock and Gravel Company
What was the name of Wilma's homemade pie that made a hit at Fred's quarry and started a pie-making business at home?
Gravelberry Pie
What was Betty's maiden name?
Betty Jean McBricker
Do you know the names of Fred's four dino-cranes at the quarry?
They are Mildred, Lulu Belle, Rocky, and Hugo
What wss the name of the Flintstones often unseen cat?
"Baby Puss"
What were Pebbles first sounds?
"Abba Gabba Goo" of course :)
What kind of dinosaur was Dino?
What were Dino's favorite foods?
Shlump and Dino-Gro
In 1960-1961,
The Flintstones
aired on ABC at 8:30pm on Fridays. What show followed them at 9pm?
77 Sunset Strip
Alan Reed and Mel Blanc each made an appearance on which '60's sitcom?
Each appeared in separate episodes of "The Beverly Hillbillies"
During the 5th season (1964-65)
The Flintstones
aired on ABC at 7:30pm on Thursdays. What scary CBS show that influenced the creation of the Gruesomes fought
The Flintstones
for that timeslot?
The Munsters
I Yabba Dabba Do!
where Pebbles and Bamm Bamm get married, what object did Fred pawn in hopes of paying for their wedding?
His Bowling Ball
What was the name of the cake that Wilma and Betty entered into the Tasty Pastry Contest? What kept them from going to the bake-off? Also, what flour did Fred and Barney use to make the cake while impersonating Betty and Wilma?
Upside Down Flint Rubble Double Bubble Cake
The measles
Brand B
What song did the Flintstone Canaries sing in the "Hum along with Herman Contest" auditions?
Old Folks At Home
What is Fred's bowling nickname?
Twinkle Toes
Fred's uncle from Texas was seen in an earlier episode where he was the interested buyer of Barney's house. What was his character's name before we came to know him as Uncle Tex?
"Mr. Yippyio Rock"
When the Flintstones, the Rubbles, and the Gruesomes tried to get rid of the Hatrocks they sang "Bug Music" -- What were the lyrics to the song?
"I said ya ya ya, She said ya ya ya, We said ya ya ya AAAHHHH" (repeat)
What is the longest running prime time cartoon show?
The Simpson's... *sigh*
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John Paul Murphy